Tips for packing with pets
Welcome back to our packing series blog takeover! With the best tips, tricks and advice for every move, our moving series is here to help you. And this time, we’re focussing on tips and tricks for packing with pets in the home.
Pets are sensitive to change, and they know when their space is in a state of upheaval. So to minimise their stress and discomfort, here’s our tips for packing with pets in the home.
Have a packing plan
By planning your move in advance, you can begin to pinpoint key days and times which are going to be more stressful for your pet. Once you know when these are you can plan ways to minimise the effect on your furry pal.
Pack around their needs
When packing room by room, try to keep their things as they are. By maintaining the same space, your pets will feel calmer. Avoid using their space and the immediate area around them to store packing boxes. Remember that they need space to move around freely. And you don’t want accidental bumps or jumps resulting in falling or broken moving boxes or, even worse, an injury.
Avoid noisy or dangerous packing material
Certain animals hate the noise of boxes being moved, or the loud screech of packing tape. Others can’t stand bubble wrap or the dreaded Styrofoam squeak. So consider ways to minimise these issues. We suggest only ever packing in another room to your pet, so they are away from the hustle and bustle as well as any scary packing noises.
Make their safety a priority
Use, where possible, animal safe and environmentally friendly packing materials, just in case your furry (or not!) friend tries to take a sneaky nibble or wants to play. Storing packing materials in another room should completely eliminate these issues, but safe materials are a great choice anyway. Ensure that their food and water bowls are never near the packing process – you don’t want packing materials making their way into these. And keep all boxes, especially heavy ones, out of their way to avoid injury.
Pack their own moving box
Your pet has their own things – toys, bedding, blankets – which make them feel safe, secure and at home. Make sure that on moving day these are last to be packed, and put into a box of their own. Fill that box with all their food, water and food bowls, medication etc as well as any health records. And make sure the box is clearly labelled so you can easily find it as soon as you reach the other end.
Get pet care
When it comes to moving day, it’s best to be prepared in order to minimise the stress to your pet. Ask your friends, family or trusted pet care professional to come and help out on moving day. Whether that’s sitting with them in a quiet empty room of the house, taking them for a walk, or personally transporting them to your new home, this special person can keep your pet calm and away from the busy move.
For all the help you and your furry friends need with your next move, get in touch with us today. Get a free, no obligation moving quote, or find out about our specialist pet relocation services. We make moving home easy for you.